"Growth comes from challenges, and every lesson learned is a step closer to becoming who we’re meant to be."
The third quarter has been a whirlwind of challenges, discoveries, and growth. From learning about Community-Based Research (CBR) to figuring out how to make a webpage and getting hands-on with HTML lists and frames, it's been a journey filled with both challenges and exciting moments. There were definitely times I felt frustrated, but those challenges turned into moments of accomplishment that made everything worth it.
The first lesson we tackled this quarter was Community-Based Research (CBR). This lesson taught me a whole new perspective on research. It’s not just about gathering facts and data, it’s also about working together with the community to know better and make real, positive changes. We worked side by side with people to figure out issues that matter to them, and it felt rewarding to know that our research could make a difference.
Along with that, we also made a webpage to show our CBR project’s contents and although I am not that good with HTML and CSS, it was fun seeing our ideas and files work. It was a bit challenging at first especially when it came to layout and design, but as we kept practicing, it started to click, and we were able to create a webpage that really showcased our work.
Another part of the learning process was learning about html frames, ordered lists, unordered lists, and nested lists in HTML. These were part of a separate lesson, but they were really helpful for organizing information in a clear way on our webpage. Ordered lists were great for showing steps or sequences, unordered lists made organizing general information easy, and nested lists allowed us to create more complex structures within the lists. HTML frames let me display different web pages in one window, making it easier to organize content in separate sections. They were very helpful and made the contents clear and easy to follow.

If I’m being honest, the biggest struggle was creating our webpage for the CBR project. Since I was a complete beginner with HTML and CSS, it felt like I was just throwing things together and hoping it would work. There were definitely moments when I wanted to give up. So, I watched tutorials, asked questions, and tried again. Slowly but surely, I started to get the hang of it, and eventually, our webpage was successfully finished. It taught me that sometimes things don’t come together right away, but persistence and practice really pay off.
Looking ahead, I’m excited to keep improving my HTML and CSS skills. I want to get better at designing better, and maybe even start learning more advanced techniques. I also plan to keep using ordered lists and nested lists in future projects to keep things organized and neat. The lessons I learned from Community-Based Research will stay with me, too. I’ll always remember the importance of listening to the community and working together to make a positive impact.
This quarter has taught me a lot about resilience. It’s easy to get discouraged when things aren’t going well, but it’s all part of the process. I’m looking forward to applying everything I’ve learned and continuing to grow as I take on more challenges in the future.
Blogger. https://www.blogger.com