
Monday, October 7, 2024

Make a Difference, Preserve Our Earth’s Existence!

    Every piece of litter we collect and every area we restore, leads to a future we can adore. In a world increasingly threatened by environmental problems, we must act the soonest to protect and care for our environment. Our actions today can have a profound impact on tomorrow. It's never too late to act and make changes to lessen our world’s environmental problems. The small steps and the small things we do can greatly impact and contribute to a change. Whether big or small action, it surely contributes to a healthier environment. We co-exist with nature, we use its resources in our daily lives, from the production of food to the production of things that we use in order to fulfill our needs. If it gives us the things we need, then we should also give back what it deserves, and that is to be take care of. Let's make this world a better place. Let's be a part of the change, and not be the cause of its destruction. Together, we can contribute for a change, advocate for a cleaner and greener future, and make a difference!

It’s not just about doing a small action; it’s about igniting a movement. Here are the activities I did and participated with to contribute to a healthier environment: 

Cleaning the Surrounding and Picking Up Trashes:
This action helps in minimizing wastes that are scattered everywhere and allows us to take responsibility in our own wastes. This also highlights the importance of keeping our surroundings clean. 

Participating in School Clean Up Drives:
This activity allows me to help in improving the school's cleanliness, keeping the school’s surroundings clean, making it a better and safer place for learning. This activity also promotes teamwork and a sense of responsibility among students. 

Participating in a Tree Planting Activity:
A seed planted today can become tomorrow’s strength. This action allows me to reconnect with nature and plant more trees. Planting more trees gives us a lot of benefits such as lessening the damages caused by natural natarul catastrophes, improving air quality, and reducing soil erosion.

Engaging in a Program that Raises Awareness About Climate Change:
This program aims to educate people about climate change and its impacts while promoting eco-friendly habits. Through this discussion, participants learn how to reduce their carbon footprint and encourage others to care for the environment. The goal is to inspire everyone to take simple steps to fight climate change in their everyday lives.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Journey's Start, Where Minds Grow Apart

    Time gradually passes by; it doesn't freeze, and it really flies so fast. As time passes, this also means that this school year’s first quarter is coming to an end. It feels so surreal, right? It feels like the start of this quarter just happened yesterday, and we were still introducing ourselves and expressing each other's expectations on this subject, ICT 10. Many things happened during this quarter, and I can say that I was able to keep up with everything that happened. This is just the beginning, but I already learned new things that added up to my knowledge, which I can apply in the upcoming lessons that will be tackled. It’s been an enjoyable journey, filled with valuable lessons and knowledge that we can use in moving forward. 

    As the quarter progressed, I learned a lot of lessons. I got the chance to learn and dig deeper about the history of the internet and the different dates involved in this topic, which is the timeline of the internet. I also got to know more about the different people who had a significant impact on the evolution of the internet, which are the pioneers and internet architects. I also learned about the internet services and tools, the major components of the internet, the data types, the world wide web, search engines, and internet access. Lastly, I significantly learned about blogging and its types. In relation to this, I learned how to create my own blog account, make blogs where I can express my thoughts and emotions, and post them.

    For me, this is the topic that I was really fascinated with. I am really interested in writing and found the enjoyment in doing so. I am free to express my own thoughts and feelings on the topics given to us, and I really enjoyed writing and giving my own opinion on these certain topics. It was a really engaging topic to learn about and an activity to do. 

    Just like how we go on with our lives, it's not always about the happy moments we experience. Of course, we also encounter challenges and difficulties. One of the problems that I encountered in the first quarter of ICT 10 is keeping up with the dates in the internet timeline. When I was reviewing it, I had to read and go back to it again and again so that I could remember the important dates in there. It was hard since there were multiple dates needed to remember. On the other hand, I had a problem in my blog with the adding and moving of the pictures. Sometimes, when inserting a picture, it doesn't appear, and I have to do it again until it is in place. Also, when moving the picture to the desired area, it refuses to do so, messing up the whole blog post and having to repeat it again, which is very disruptive in the making of a blog post. However, it is important to keep in mind that learning isn't that easy, but as soon as you'll find enjoyment in it, you'll be able to cope and keep up with the struggles you may encounter. 

    Our journey in learning doesn't end with the struggles and difficulties we encounter. There are multiple solutions that answer these problems. Patience is what I needed the most to have in solving these problems. Therefore, it is what I practiced to have. In memorizing the important dates, I made my notes that helped me retain the information I was reviewing. I also made sure to remember it before moving on to another one. While, in the problem I encountered with inserting a picture in my blog post, I used my experience in editing in different softwares. I also used my patience to carefully drag the pictures until they were placed in the area where I wanted them to be placed. More importantly, effective and consistent study habits are needed to work out the problems that we encounter. 

    Moving on, I will use these learnings of mine in the upcoming lessons that we will be tackling. I will also apply the knowledge that I acquired in dealing with tasks and activities that are related to the lesson that we discussed. This knowledge helped me gain a deeper understanding of multiple concepts and topics that prepares me for future lessons and the challenges that come with them. I will continue to exert effort in my studies and in this subject and make sure to acquire different lessons and knowledge that I will apply in the future. I will continue to find enjoyment in learning and avoid worrying too much about the challenges that I may face, as this distracts me from the progress that I make. I will continue to be resourceful in managing the challenges that I encounter in learning. With ICT 10, learning is a journey filled with fun and valuable lessons. 

One Province, One Spirit: The Timeless Legacy of Kannawidan Festival

     “To know where you’re going, you must first understand where you come from.” This testament perfectly captures the essence of the Kann...